
New Device Lets Soon-To-Be Mothers Test Their Fertility Levels At Home

Dinner. Movie. Ovulation monitor?

First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes an ovulation tracker?

Having baby fever? Sorry, we can’t really help with that, but if you’ve been seriously considering getting pregnant, this device may be able to help…

Women’s reproductive healthcare was once considered a cultural taboo, but that’s all changing now with one of the latest innovative ideas from femtech that helps women get pregnant rather than playing a guessing game.

It’s not meant to be romantic…

Mylo (recently rebranded from myLotus by Ragged Edge) is a UK based company that created a fertility monitor helping women who have irregular menstrual cycles figure out the best time to get pregnant.

“Getting pregnant is not always a matter of time, it’s more a matter of timing,” says Max Ottignon, co-founder of Ragged Edge.

You might be thinking “I thought they already had ovulation trackers?”

Well, the issue with normal ovulation tracking tests is that they normally track regular (usually) 28-day cycles, which renders these tests almost useless for women whose periods are constantly in flux.

Mylo, on the other hand, can track cycles ranging from 21-42 days and is 99% accurate. Best part is that it’s perfect for ALL women regardless of cycles and even for women with PCOS.

Most of us didn’t go to medical school, but we’ll break this all down for you…

Team of experienced biologists working on microscopes in laboratory


The device figures all this out by pinpointing the Luteinizing Hormone (LH). Stay with us…

When a woman ovulates, her LH levels spike – which causes the release of an egg. This then creates the best “window” for getting pregnant.

A recent study published in the Human Reproduction Open journal showed 88% of women have their fertile days outside of the ‘standard’ clinical windows – that means before cycle day 10 and after cycle day 17.

But Mylo helps take the guessing game out of conception.

It’s a simple device that uses a pee stick to test a sample of urine each mid-morning… that’s usually the best time. The stick then gets placed into the device, and voila! An app will keep a numerical record of how much LH is in the system. It’ll even illustrate the “LH curve” to show when a woman is most fertile.

By using this method, women can keep track of the best time to have intercourse in order to maximize the chances of conceiving.

Mylo calculates real-time, lab-standard test results, and tracking the LH levels is one of the best ways to follow menstrual cycles and time it right.

Everyone’s body is different, and many women are heartbroken when they find out they have problems conceiving. Mylo hopes to help and support these women during an often stressful time – regardless if they’re going the natural conception route or as a support for an alternative method.

What do you think about the recent boom in femtech innovation? Do you know anyone who could possibly benefit from using Mylo?

Let us know what you think in the comments below!