
Meet Spot: The Nimble Robot That Patrols Parks, Reminding People To Keep Their Distance

Okay – if there were a contest for cutest and most useful robot, this one would take top prize.

His name is Spot – and it does a LOT.

Not only can Spot climb over obstacles and practically sprint, the puppy-like robot even has its first job: Warning people about COVID-19 regulations in public parks.

Alright, who made this thing? And can I have one?

Image source: Boston Dynamics


Sadly, Spot is not available for purchase. He was designed and manufactured by Boston Dynamics, who released the first prototype last year.

Now, less than a year later, Spot is being tested in Singapore parks during COVID-19. He trots around the park, “barking” kind reminders about social distancing measures.

Naturally, the Singapore National Parks Board has also placed signs around the park, warning people not to pester their new pet. (Will we soon see history’s first robo-napping? We’re tempted…)

Okay… if I can’t have one, then I don’t want it spying on me!

Fair point – we were worried about the same. Is this just a spy camera hidden in a cute metal chassis?!

The answer is no. Although Spot is fitted with cameras, nobody’s really watching – and no personal data will be saved. Instead, they’ll track the number of people in the park and get other anonymous information.

Check out Spot in all his glory here:

“Human! Please maintain your distance! Also… do you have any robo-treats?!”