
Never Scoop Poop Again With This Self-Cleaning “Smart” Litter Box

Source: Aimicat

No scooping? No problem… LITTERally!

Long gone are the days of scooping cat poop while risking your home smell through the day.

It’s all thanks to the Aimicat – a revolutionary cat litter box that’s able to automatically clean itself and eliminate odor. It also has the most advanced hygiene features for pets.

A futuristic solution to an old problem…

Even though most cats are known to be low-maintenance, their litter boxes are often an exception. Now, Aimicat is solving that “exception” with a stylish solution to cat poop clean-up.

CEO of Aimicat Jian Tian stated, “We dedicated research to creating a design that totally eliminates odors using negative air pressure and carbon filter along with advanced materials for self-cleaning and automatic scooping.

“We also designed an interior space that appeals to cats’ natural instincts for cleanliness so they will feel safe and comfortable while doing their business.”

The litter is designed in the shape of a globe to allow a clean and private place for cats to go to the bathroom. This offers the owner peace of mind that their cat won’t leave a mess for them.

Here’s how it works:


The team used their award-winning knowledge in robotics to design the Aimicat and make it safe for its furry users.

The litter uses an infrared sensor that can quickly and accurately detect when the cat enters and completes its “duty.”

Then the Aimicat automatically rotates and removes the litter into a sealed holding container at the bottom.

The rotating chamber uses an elastic, non-stick silicone device that cleans and scoops at the same time. During the spin cycle, a negative air pressure deodorizing system cleans the air inside using a quiet fan that pushes the odor through a carbon filter.

Safe and quiet for feline friends


The noiseless feature gets rid of odors without scaring away the cats and is less of a chore for owners to manage.

For one or two cats, the globe holds about a week’s worth of waste. All the owner has to do is lift the plastic bag out of the waste container and throw it away.

Pet care and technology is a booming business and the Aimicat team hopes to make life for both the cat and owner more hygienic and comfortable.

If you’re interested in one for your furry friends – it’s currently available on IndieGogo with discounts for early contributors.

What do you think – would you buy this for your feline friend? Do you think pet owners are excessive in the technology they buy their pets or is it worth it?

Let us know what you think below!