
New Energy-Saving Machine Makes The Perfect Cup Of Tea – Without Wasting Water

If you’re a tea drinker, then you probably have your share of preferences.

Maybe you like milk or lemon – or maybe you think adding ANYTHING is an abomination to this classic herbal concoction.

Well, no matter how you like your tea, a new startup is here to tell you that you’re wrong!

No, no, no… you’re not wrong to like your tea a certain way. You’re simply preparing it wrong! You see, every time you boil a pot of water for tea, you’re almost guaranteed to waste some of it.

At the same time, you also might be using water that’s too hot (or too cold)… or you might be steeping for too long (or too little). All of these factors can impact the way your tea tastes – not to mention accumulating waste in the brewing process.

That’s where BRÜ comes into play!

What is BRÜ?

BRÜ is a tea-making machine that allows you to set your preferred brewing time, water temp and even cup size at the press of a button. This not only saves you time and reduces energy, it could open up a whole new world of tasting tea.

How does BRÜ work?

The BRÜ actually steeps the tea bag in the machine itself before pouring it into your cup. There’s a little pod at the top that you place your bag in. Then the hot water fills up, it steeps for the predetermined time, and then it pours you the perfect cup.

You can use BRÜ with both open leaves and tea bags, though we personally recommend using open leaves.

BRÜ is now crowdfunding on Indiegogo, where it’s already received over $500,000 in pre-orders. They expect to ship the first models in April of next year, with retail prices likely hovering around $200.

We love the concept behind BRÜ because it does double duty – it brings a net benefit to our lives, but at the same time, it’s conscious of the environment. We can get behind any product like that… even if we do prefer the idea of a coffee delivery drone over the tea machine, personally.

Click HERE to check out their IndieGogo campaign.