
Make Your Own YETI Cooler

YETI coolers are all the rage… but who has $400-$500 lying around for one? Not us, that’s for sure.

If you’ve been saving up for this summer item, we’ve got good news for you – now you can put all that cash toward your next big adventure instead!

Why’s that? Because we found an easy how-to for making your own YETI cooler. You can start your summer with an insulated, bear-proof, fully functioning cooler without breaking the bank. Just grab an old cooler that’s still functioning and get ready for a little DIY project!

Watch the full video by DoItYourselfDay:

Prefer written instructions? No sweat! Here’s how to make a YETI cooler all on your own:

1. Find an old cooler to work with. This can be a Coleman cooler that is still in decent shape or any other brand you have lying around the garage. Just make sure it’s not on its last leg.

2. Start by removing the lid. You’ll probably need a screwdriver to get this done.

3. With the lid removed, the next step is to insulate it. This will help keep your drinks colder and your food fresher. All you need is some insulating spray foam sealant, which you can pick up at a hardware store.

Tip: Wear gloves any time you use the spray foam.

4. Drill holes into the taller areas of the lid. Follow the instructions on the bottle, spray in the holes in the cooler lid, and you’re good to go. You’ll know the lid is completely filled with the spray foam when it starts to force its way out of the various holes.

5. Allow the foam to dry for 24 hours before doing anything else.

6. Peel off the foam that has expanded out of the holes of the cooler lid. Scrape off the little bits left. A BBQ brush can help.

7. Seal the holes off with hot glue or another food-safe product to keep water out of the lid.

8. Screw the lid back on the base of the cooler.

9. Throw a No Bears Allowed sticker on the side of the cooler so all the bears know to stay away. (Please note: This has not been proven to keep bears away. It’s worth a try, though!)

One simple project later and you’ve saved money so you can get outside, explore more, and stay hydrated. What more could you need this summer?!

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