
Kid Invents Wrist Warmers and Stands Up to Bullies

Sometimes a tale comes along that tears at our hearts and makes us proud to be human, and not much is better than that of Kathryn Gregory, who went from a lonely bullied 10-year-old to the next big thing thanks to the love and devotion of an amazing mother.

Most 10-year-olds enjoy playing in the snow. Sledding, snowball fights, daring each other to stick your tongues on a metal pole… It’s all part of the fun.

But sooner or later, your clothes can’t withstand the fun, and when the cold starts to inch its clammy way from outside your boots and mittens to your skin, it’s not a good feeling.

Little Kathryn “KK” Gregory wasn’t about to let the cold win.

The best ideas are always born out of struggle and discomfort. And that was definitely the case for KK Gregory’s innovation.

One fateful day she ran inside to share a simple new invention with her mom: wrist warmers. Because why should your wrists be left unprotected from the cold and snow and left to suffer the consequences?

Fortunately for KK, her mom didn’t shush her and send her back outside. Instead, she used her kid’s idea to set her up for a lifetime of successful entrepreneurship.

The two put their heads together and finalized the idea for KK’s wrist warmers, settling quickly on a name: Wristies.

Wristies Photo by Wristies

KK started by sharing her new invention with the best focus group ever: her Girl Scout troop. No surprise, the troop LOVED it. The Wristies proved a win.

By age 12, KK was navigating the harsh world of business. But with her mom by her side, meeting-after-meeting, KK stood tall, presenting her Wristies to patent attorneys, businessmen, and potential vendors. Not the easiest thing to do as a kid, but she persevered.

Unfortunately, it wasn’t a cakewalk for her personal life… Who knew patenting your own invention would mean you’d be bullied throughout middle school? One day you’re meeting Oprah (that really happened btw)…

…And the next kids are calling you names in the hallway.

But she didn’t let the bullying get her down, and instead channeled that negative energy into a new hobby: Rock climbing.

KK rock climbed her little heart out and eventually earned a spot on the U.S. Climbing Team. Talk about an overachiever.

Years later, she earned a degree in humanities, three minors, a stint at Extreme Home Makeover, traveled the world, and eventually decided to return to her first true passion: Wristies.

Almost overnight she was conquering the business world once again. Like before, Wristies wasn’t just about increasing sales and profit. It was about giving back. KK shared her story of determination and entrepreneurship with other women around the world.

KK and her Mom Photo by Wristies

Even after her mom tragically lost her battle with breast cancer, KK kept moving forward. She never let fear hold her back. And she never stopped pushing the limits. She even added another job to her already-full-plate: firefighter. Seriously, is this woman a superhero?

As CEO of Wristies, KK plans to keep on inventing. And we plan to look forward to more accessories that will keep us warm and cozy all winter long.