
Create Your Own “Instant Hot Cocoa” With This Innovative Technique

Who says it’s only for the holiday season? That’s right, no one!

The holidays are behind us, but that doesn’t mean we can easily leave behind our favorite winter cravings – especially hot chocolate.

But homemade hot chocolate can pose some problems that we need to discuss first…

Why is it so hard to make the “perfect” hot chocolate?

If you’re making hot chocolate at home, chances are good you’re making instant hot chocolate. We can’t deny that it’s an incredible invention… but it’s far from perfect.

Making a good cup of instant cocoa usually involves a lot of quick stirring to break apart the clumps of starch that expands when water is added. Yet even then, there can be bits of cocoa powder “chunks” floating around. Yuck!

To bypass this inconvenience, you can try to add a small amount of liquid to the dry ingredients and then stir until it forms a paste. You can also add sugar which helps it dissolve easier.

However, we’re fans of a different method. The creative technique below is admittedly a little less “instant” than those powdery packs you find at the store… but it’s a LOT more flavorful!

So, here’s how to make a mouthwatering “magic” hot chocolate:

Some people add soy lecithin, cornstarch, or even milk powder to give their hot cocoa a richer taste. But here’s the simplest way to make easy-to-stir, yet fully rich hot chocolate.

The magic ingredients are:

Some notes on the ingredients:

  1. Don’t use skim milk. Use at least 2% (half and half or cream works too).
  2. Select quality cocoa powder. Dutch cocoa would be the better selection but it’s up to your personal preference.
  3. For the chocolate, you can use milk chocolate if you don’t prefer the intense flavor of the semi-sweet chocolate. You can use chocolate squares or chips, but the chips are easier to mix.

The magical instructions:

Step 1: Mix the cocoa powder, sugar, and salt in a pan. Add a few tablespoons of milk.

Step 2: Put on low heat and stir until it forms into a paste. If you spot small chunks not dissolving, add a little more liquid (don’t overdo it!).

Step 3: Add more milk and turn the heat to medium-low. Then toss in the chopped chocolate squares/chips. Keep stirring until it turns into a smooth consistency.

Step 4. Keep heating it up until it starts to simmer slightly, but do not bring to a full boil – that gives it a different (and less authentic) flavor.

Step 5: Once it’s smooth and melted, add a bit of the vanilla extract, then stir and take the cocoa off the heat.

Step 6: Toppings time! Throw in some little marshmallows or try out some whipped cream. No toppings are great too (we don’t judge).

Cooking can be an art form, so adjust the recipe to suit your personal taste. If it’s overly rich, add more milk. If it lacks flavor, add in some chocolate bits. Spices like cinnamon and nutmeg also add some cozy comfort.

We hope you will enjoy this recipe regardless of the time of year. Are you going to try it out yourself? If so, let us know your experience down below!