
Dog Owner Creates Paw Cleaner To Keep Apartments Dirty-Paw-Print-Free

There’s just something about playing in the mud… It probably takes us back to simpler times… back to when we spent our time making messes instead of having to pay for them.

Confused Will Smith GIF by Giphy

Anywhooooo, having a dog — whether it’s a Siberian Husky, a Pomeranian, or a Great Dane — means getting dirty, especially when the local weather takes a turn. And unless you plan on decking your furry pal out in a full-fledged snowsuit every time you venture outside, it becomes increasingly difficult to keep the great outdoors from making its way in.

Puppy Raincoat GIF by Giphy

Luckily, one dog owner finally got fed up with the mess of it all.

Brianne Leary’s Wheaten Terrier, LuLu, really enjoys getting into some trouble in Central Park: A few splashes in a mud puddle, some rolling in a nice pile of dirt, chasing pigeons……

Lulu takes the plunge Photo by The Grommet

By the time they’d make it home, Brianne just couldn’t keep the dirty paw prints out of her apartment.

So, she invented the PawPlunger.

PawPlunger Photo by The Grommet

With the PawPlunger, it’s as easy as 1-2-3. This handy little invention (that looks like a giant coffee mug) cleans your dog’s paws in a matter of minutes thanks to a bristle brush inside. All you do is add warm water to the device, put one paw in at a time, and plunge the grunge away (too bad it doesn’t work on kids!)

Dog Using PawPlunger Photo by The Grommet

For those who roam in heavily winterized areas, an added benefit of the PawPlunger is it helps protect your furry friend from chemicals and salt. All those additives we throw down on streets to clear the ice can actually really hurt your dog’s paws, and the fertilizers they stumble upon in sunnier parts of the globe ain’t much better!

And given how much our mutts lick their paws, we all know where those chemicals end up!

Tend to travel a lot with your best friend? PawPlunger also comes with a lid to keep the wash inside the device so it doesn’t spill. So whether at the park in Paris or Pensacola, you can clean him up no matter where you are.

It’s a win-win-win-win for your floors, your car’s backseat, your furniture, your friend’s furniture, and your dog. Plus, think of all the money you’ll save on laundry since you won’t be washing dirty dog-paw-towels every other day.

Yes, we have dedicated paw towels. We call them Woofcloths. Don’t judge us.