
7 (More) Innovative Ways Businesses Are Fighting COVID-19

A few weeks back, we featured a number of businesses around the world who are fighting back against COVID-19.

These businesses are creating new products, tweaking existing ones, offering special services and raising the innovation bar all around. This week, we’re back with 7 more examples. Some are more practical than others, but all are fascinating!


1. Maaji (Colombia): Fashionable clothing made from recycled plastic that protects you from germs

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Run by sisters Manuela and Amalia Sierra, Maaji creates eco-friendly clothing using recycled fabrics and plastics. Their printing processes are also environmentally friendly, reducing water usage and CO2 emissions, and they’ve planted more than 100,000 trees since founding the company in 2002.

Their latest initiative is in line with their ethos – it features protective clothing in fun, vibrant designs. Items include protective masks, hoodies, and even a jacket with built-in face protection.

Check out the collection at

2. Rombit (Belgium): A bracelet that enforces social distancing in the workplace

Image source: Rombit

We’re all ready to get back to work – and there’s no shortage of innovations popping up to help us get there.

One of the latest comes from Belgian company Rombit. They created the Romware Covid Radius: a small bracelet that vibrates every time you come close to another bracelet user (such as a co-worker). It’s based on an existing bracelet used for logistic purposes, with the new functionality quickly added since the COVID-19 outbreak.

Learn more at

3. Raw Color (The Netherlands): Fun elbow socks – for catching sneezes, of course

Image source: Raw Color

Medical experts advise us to sneeze into our sleeves. We’re doing that – but hey, isn’t it kinda gross?

This Dutch company thinks so. That’s why they created these elbow socks. They keep your clothes clean while adding a fashionable touch. And who knows? They might actually become a thing. Yeah – we can totally imagine breaking out the elbow socks on a chilly winter day.

Check them out at

4. #WirvsVirus (Germany): Hackathon results in development of a ventilator that can be 3D-printed

Image source: OpenVent

The German government launched a hackathon to inspire COVID-19 innovations – and the response was incredible. More than 42,000 people joined the contest, dedicating 48 hours to focus on creating helpful solutions.

The hackathon was called #WirvsVirus – “Us against the virus” in German. The submissions included a digital network that connects schools and children, an app that notifies people when they contact someone who has tested positive, and a 3D printed open-source ventilator.

Follow the hashtag “WirvsVirus” on Twitter to see the latest:

5. Starling Bank (UK): Digital bank allows caregivers to shop for people in quarantine

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Starling Bank, an online bank based in the UK, has just introduced its Connected card. The card allows you to set aside funds for a caregiver or helper. The limit is about $250, and the money can only be accessed via a secure portal on the website.

At the moment, the cards can only be used inside physical stores or online. This aims to ensure the money is always used exactly as intended, allowing people to more easily trust others for help if they’re stuck at home.

Learn more at

6. OpenTable (USA): This restaurant reservation system now allows you to reserve a spot at the grocery store

Image source: The Verge

Grocery stores are overloaded these days – and with restaurants closed for the near future, it doesn’t look like it will change any time soon.

We’ve seen some interesting solutions to this problem already, but we may like this one from OpenTable best. Their app, which is normally used for making reservations at restaurants, now allows you to save a spot in line at the store.

This would reduce overload while making it easier, more comfortable, and safer to shop. What’s not to love?

See if OpenTable is available in your area at

7. Zoku (The Netherlands): Rent a quiet spot to work for a day

Image source: Zoku Hotels

Hotels are in trouble lately – but many are pivoting to find ways to get by. One recent example is Zoku, a hotel in Amsterdam. They’ve transformed their rooms into quiet workspaces, which are now available to rent for a short period of time.

The service includes lunch, and rooms are equipped with plenty of amenities – such as a kitchen, coffee, and high-speed WiFi. They may not be at full occupancy, but it’s a great win-win solution for the hotel and the workers (who may finally get a moment to focus).

Check out the rooms at