
This Man Has Invented 100+ Products. Not A Single One Is Useful… But All Of Them Are Hilarious!

You’ve seen a lint roller. But have you ever seen a Fur Roller?!

It’s just like a lint roller… but the opposite. Instead of removing lint, it adds fur.

Yes… it simply rolls animal hair all over your clothing.


Well, if you’re NOT a pet owner, but you want everyone to think you are… now you have an answer!

In case you’re wondering: Yes, the fur roller is a joke. But it’s also real. And it’s one of MANY similar “products” created by Matty Benedetto – a Vermont man with a penchant for thinking up whacky, ridiculous, totally useless inventions.

Naturally, this begs a repeat of the question above: WHY?!

For our entertainment, of course. He’s actually not the first one to create silly inventions – in fact, a Japanese inventor named Kenji Kawakami is credited with coming up with the idea back in the ‘90s.

His “chindōgu” inventions include a solar-powered flashlight, a kitty litter box that resembles a zen garden, and even a device that can probably be considered the world’s first selfie stick.

Matty Benedetto was inspired by Kawakami and others… but he’s clearly taken it to a new level, with 100+ prototypes under his belt. (Yes, that means these aren’t just funny ideas. He actually creates these – usually using a 3D printer.)

And today, we’re going to honor a few of his funkiest inventions. So please, for the next few minutes: Forget practicality. We’re diving into Benedetto’s quirky world…


1. Sobbing Spectacles: Glasses with built-in sponges to dry up your tears.

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2. The HoverBrella: An umbrella attached to a drone. (Or, as we like to call it: the world’s first hands-free umbrella!)

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Okay, this might actually become a thing.

3. StubStoppers: Little hard hats that prevent stubbed toes.

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4. FingerBeanies: Warm, cozy little hats – for your fingers.

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Finally! The perfect accompaniment to my fingerless gloves! Err, wait a minute…

5. The Century Charger: A 100-foot iPhone cable.

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For long distance calls, of course!

6. The Cuisine Curtain: For those who like to eat in private, but with other people around.

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7. The Mixer Mask: A face mask you can drink beer from.

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8. Avocado On A Stick: It’s basically edible avocado chapstick.

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(It’s a millennial thing…)


This is just a tiny taste of what Matty’s created. You can find all of his inventions at

What do you think? Is Matty Benedetto crazy – or a genius? We think both! And hey – which one is your favorite? Let us know in the comments below! (We like the “HoverBrella”, by the way…)